How to properly repair the damaged chimney?

The range of works of chimney masonry repair is very wide – from the complete disassembly to the reduction of chimney size to other repairs.
Causes of the chimney problems
There are two main reasons for repairs: natural and artificial.
Natural causes – the aging of the chimneys or its destruction under the bad weather conditions, and other natural causes.
Artificial reason – the majority of them. They are based on the human factor, or simply carelessness, ignorance, and apathy. These reasons apply regardless of the material of which chimneys are made.
Here are the main ones:
- bad materials
- incorrect design
- clumsy installation
- unprofessional masons and fitters
- failure to comply with regulations
- improper use
The reasons for the destruction of brick chimneys are mainly associated with the violation of the rules of during the installation:
use of brick that isn’t suitable for chimneys,
poor quality masonry,
condensation effect
lack of or improper design of the protective hood.
Modifications of the wrong chimney require more money than the right construction during the building of the object. If you still need repair, don’t hesitate and call professional chimney masons. Our specialists carry out all types of work to bring the chimneys to the usable state that meet all requirements and standards. We are responsible for our work, we give a warranty, carrying out the maintenance of chimneys.
All these structures, as well as your favorite car, need a regular maintenance.
The proper installation of a chimney allows you to be free of later corrections and additional costs.
Types of chimney repair
Our professionals perform different types of repairs:
inserting liners into the certain chimney opening,
restoring damaged bricks,
setting the inside channels,
measures against icing of chimneys,
Repairing process
Many of the problems arising from the chimneys, can be solved by relining – inserting the new stainless steel tube into the old brick chimney.
Installation – filling the inside cavities using the flame-resistant mixtures with exceptional penetrating power:
- fills all the cracks
- levels the surfaces
- improves traction, respectively,
- channel cavity practically isn’t reduced.
This method of chimney masonry repair is suitable for the chimneys of fireplaces, stoves, heating units for solid fuels, as well as ventilation ducts. It’s possible to chimney contractor upper marlboro md the vertical cavities of sufficient length and with a small slope, and in a quite easy way.